6 Months!! My twins just turned 6 months old and we are all still alive and (almost) sane. I knew that having twins would be hard, I just didn't realize it would be "I can't take anymore and want to jump out a window" hard.
When they were only a month or two old I frequently had these thoughts: "Why me!?! I never wanted twins. This isn't fair! I didn't ask for this. I wouldn't wish this on my worst nightmare"...and so on. I also greatly envied women who had singleton babies around the twins' age. I would see other moms with their babies out and about and get so jealous. People would tell me how lucky and blessed I am and how they wished that they had twins and I wanted to punch them in the face! THIS is not lucky I would think.... THIS is torture.
Then on top of taking care of the twins, I had my oldest daughter, Lily, to take care of. Sometimes she made life easier by helping here and there and sometimes she made life more difficult by acting out for attention. Overall though, I couldn't ask for a better big sister for my girls. Lily loves her sisters so much and has adjusted so well to having to share mommy and daddy after having us to herself for 3 years.
And the twins, Emma and Zoey, are also very good babies. I really shouldn't complain. I will say though that I am thrilled that we are finally at the 6 month point... and I never ever want to go through having newborn twins ever again.
Oh, its still very hard and I still want to jump out a window some days but at least we are on more of a schedule now. At least they sleep through the night now and at least we have now accepted the craziness and chaos that is our family.
6 months down...a lifetime to go!
Happy half birthday Emma and Zoey!!