Hello there. I'm Crystal and I have no idea why I just started a blog. I suppose it's more of an online diary. I certainly shouldn't be giving advice to anyone considering I have no idea what I'm doing half the time. Anyway, I am 26 years old and have three little girls. I think God was punishing me for my teenage years because not only do I have all girls, I was blessed (ha!) with TWINS last year. Don't get me wrong I love them to death but whew! it's so much work. There have been many times that I contemplated running away. I have been with my husband for 8 years and married for 2 of those years. Marriage is hard. Jeremy is a carpenter/handy man and works a ton of hours in order to support us so I spend a lot of time alone. Well not completely alone...I have my kids to talk to. It's riveting conversation. For me, that is the hardest part of being a stay at home mom...not having adults to talk to on a regular basis. Most of the time I have no idea what's going on in the "real world" but I could tell you all about "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse", potty training, and nursery rhymes. Thank goodness for Facebook. It keeps me updated on the big news stories and all the juicy gossip about my friends and family. Plus I get to see what everyone is having for dinner, all the events that I'm missing out on, and who is having a birthday today. Heck, I may even get lucky and read about someone's bowel movements. I admit it, I'm a Facebook junkie. And who wouldn't be with all of that crucial information at your fingertips.
My mini monsters are Lily (3 1/2) and the twins, Emma & Zoey (4 months). They are all cute as a button and annoying as hell all at the same time. Lily doesn't stop talking...ever! And her questions are endless. Although she drives me absolutely insane, she often makes me laugh. The stuff that comes out of her mouth is hilarious and I am frequently caught off guard by how smart she is. Lily is also the most loving child I have ever met. She is constantly giving hugs, kisses, and cuddles and I love it!
Emma & Zoey...well what can you really say about a 4 month old. They eat, sleep, and poop. Zoey is a drama queen and is usually the fussier one and Emma is very laid back most of the time. They are fraternal twins (we think-different doctors tell us different things but they had two sacs, two placentas, etc.) but they look ALOT alike. Their daddy still cant tell them apart and even I get them confused from time to time. We were shocked when we learned we were having twins, but I'll tell that story another time.
Well, those are the main characters in this chapter of my life story. Most of the time my life is pure chaos but every now and then, I stop and look around and realize that the life I lead is actually quite charmed. We have a roof over our heads, food to eat, and all the love in the world for each other.
1. (of a person's life) unusually lucky or happy as though protected by magic.
Synonyms: charm, beguile, bewitch, captivate, enchant, entrance2, fascinate
1. complete disorder and confusion
Synonyms: mayhem, disarray, havoc, turmoil, commotion, disruption
Thanks for stopping by my page! I hope you will enjoy reading about my crazies and our shenanigans. Feel free to leave any comments or just drop a line to say, Hi! Have an awesome day everyone.
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