Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A Day In My Shoes

A little insight into my world. This is how a typical day for me goes...

5:00-5:30am: Somewhere in this time frame my husband's alarm clock goes off. I wake up, roll over, and attempt to go back to sleep. I usually get woken up again when he kisses me goodbye but that is something worth being woken up for. Then I try to go back to sleep again for a few more minutes. 

6:00-6:30am: Lily comes downstairs and gets in my bed and snuggles with me while I watch a few minutes of the news. 

6:30am: We go upstairs, I make bottles for the twins, and get Lily some breakfast. Then I go to the third floor (townhouses and all the stairs SUCK) to get the babies, who are already awake and playing in their cribs. I get one in each arm and bring them down to the main floor. I change their diapers and they drink their bottles, Lily eats her breakfast, and I make my coffee. I feed the doggies and let them outside. 

7:00-9:00am: The kids watch cartoons and play together on the floor with toys while I check emails, Facebook, or blog. 

9:00-9:30am: Time to get the girls dressed and ready for the day!! This takes about a half hour. I make the twins another bottle and they drink it while I get Lily dressed and do her hair (doing her hair can be quite an ordeal as she has long curly hair and it gets tangled very easily. She absolutely hates having her hair brushed and usually throws a fit while I'm trying to make her look half decent). Then I struggle to get my wiggle worm twins dressed and change their diapers. 

10:00-11:00am: Emma and Zoey go down for their morning nap and I jump in the shower, get dressed, and dry my hair.   Lily usually complains that she is hungry in this time frame so I make her a snack. I also try to get some cleaning done in this hour, usually vacuuming and a load of laundry at the very least. 

11:00-12:00pm: As soon as the babies wake up around 11am they want a bottle so I make them one, change diapers, let them play for about 20 minutes, and then feed them some baby food. Lily likes to help me feed them. Although this is very sweet of her, it most often results in baby food flying and spilling everywhere. So, after I clean everyone and everything up, I make Lily some lunch and get ready to head out to a friends house or go for a walk, or anything that gets us out of the house for a bit. I pack up the twins diaper bag, trying to remember everything that they could possibly need, but inevitably, I almost always forget something. 

12:00-3:00pm: We play with friends or go run some errands. If we go to a store, I have to maneuver a double stroller and a shopping cart through the isles by myself. This is harder than it sounds. We get many looks and people often stop me to check out the twins, ask me a million questions, or joke with Lily about being a big sister and helping mommy. Although these people mean well and are very nice, it almost doubles the time it takes to go anywhere and get stuff done. During this time the babies usually take a nap, whether it's on the floor of a friends house, or in the car as we are driving around. They drink another bottle and they get another diaper change too. Sometimes we do stay home all day, in which case the babies take a longer afternoon nap in their cribs.

3:00-4:00pm: Kids play while we wait for daddy to get home. We usually read a book and sing a song or two. Then, we work on ABC's and numbers or color/paint. Twins get a diaper change and a bottle. I let the dogs outside. 

4:00-6:00pm: Jeremy gets home from work around 4pm and after sitting down for a few minutes, he plays with the kids for a bit while I do some chores or just go outside for a 5-10 minute break. Then he takes Lily for a walk or we all just hang out together for awhile. 

6:00-6:45pm: We make and eat dinner and then clean up/wash dishes. Twins get a diaper change and a bottle and/or some baby food. The dogs also get fed and let out. 

6:45-8:00pm: Bed time routine. The kids get baths, brush teeth, and we read a bedtime story together. I put the twins to sleep in their cribs and Lily picks out a movie. She watches a movie before going to bed every night. She rarely makes it through the entire movie before falling asleep though. 

8:00-10:30pm: Jeremy and I finally get some "adult time". We talk and watch tv together. I do a load of laundry and finish up some chores, check emails, and try to catch up with friends and family through Facebook, texting, emails, phone calls, etc. I also try to do a little reading before passing out. 

11:00-5:00am: Sweet, sweet sleep! Lily sometimes comes downstairs in our room and tries to get in bed with us or she just grabs a pillow and blanket and sleeps on the floor with the dogs. The twins, thankfully, sleep through the night. And then the whole process starts all over again!

This is just a typical day for us. Not every day goes as smoothly as this. There are melt downs, tantrums, days that we don't feel good, special events, etc. However, 90% of the time, this is pretty darn accurate. 

What is your day like? 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

I've got birthdays on the brain.

Yesterday my husband's cousin's baby girl had her first birthday party. It was super cute and it was something I'd never seen done before...a breakfast birthday party at 10am. I was way late of course, nothing new there, but the theme was so cute. Here is the invitation...
Zoey got ahold of it and chewed off the right corner a bit. The invitations were all hand made and the party colors were all done in the "Tiffany's" blue and white. We were all encouraged to come dressed in our best pearls as it says on the invite and everyone looked great! And check out this cake!
We also got "Tiffany's" look alike jewelry boxes with candy bracelets inside as our gift for attending. The whole thing was just adorable and it got me thinking about my own children's upcoming birthday parties. 

Lily's actual birthday is May 11th, which also happens to be Mother's Day this year so we decided to have her party the weekend after. She is obsessed with Cinderella so we are throwing her a princess party. The big surprise is that Cinderella herself will be attending. I can't wait to see Lily's face when she meets her idol. We've never hired an actor for a birthday party before but I've been to other parties where they had a princess come and it was great. All I need to do now is figure out the food/snacks, get a cake and decorations, and put together some gift bags. Ok, I have a lot more to do than I thought but at least I still have 2 weeks to do it. 
Emma and Zoey's birthday isn't until September 3rd but that didn't stop me from thinking about their first birthday party. I looked up some themes online and the three I like the best so far are:
Sugar & Spice
2 peas in a pod
Thing 1 & Thing 2
All of which are very common themes. 
My search will continue and maybe I'll come up with something a little more original. If anyone who reads this has any ideas at all, please feel free to let me know!
Until then...Pinterest here I come!