Luckily this stage won't last forever, even though it feels like it will.
Here are some things that may help baby feel better:
- Frozen washcloths
- Frozen teethers
- Amber teething necklace
- Teething biscuits (Gerber makes some that my girls love!)
- Frozen waffles/bananas/other fruit
- A cold teaspoon
- Cinnamon sticks
- Ginger snaps
- Celery (my Spanish friend told me about this. Apparently it is a Mexican tradition to give teething babies a piece of celery to chew on.
- Baby orajel (some doctors advise against this. It has been said that it hardens the baby's gums, making it harder for them to cut teeth).
This stage is very hard on baby AND mommy. Here are some things that I do to keep from going crazy:
- talk to other mom friends or family members who are going through or have gone through similar experiences. It's always nice to know you aren't alone and friends/family can be an amazing support system.
- I know it's a little cooky, but I have started meditating from time to time. Find a quiet spot (probably while the little ones are napping) and just be alone with your thoughts. Sometimes I put on relaxing music too.
- Exercise! It's hard for me to find the time but I always feel so much better after I've had a good work-out sesh.
- Have a glass of wine!! It helps! 😊
- Put some headphones on and listen to some good music. It calms my nerves plus then I can't hear the kids whining haha!
What are some things that help you and your baby get through this difficult stage?
My fussy girls 😫
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